
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Christmas Story: Part 2

Early Christmas morning was reserved for our little family gift exchange with Ellie and Bootsy! Both of them were clearly ready for the presents!

We all missed the Whittakers in New Orleans (on Christmas Eve too!), but were with them in spirit - sending lots of love & holiday wishes their way!

By mid-morning, we were headed to my dad's for more gift opening and breakfast casserole, made by Jeff (a Christmas miracle?) We all caravanned to Matthews for more gifts with mom, dinner, and lots of games at Yiayia's!

The festivities didn't end there, but with a few drinks at Angry Ale's to get us warmed up for Shiva's birthday! Fortunately, Lindsey hopped off her flight home in Charlotte to celebrate too. We had way too much fun playing Beatles Rock Band at Sarah's house on Saturday night... The picture is a little blurry, but it shows all the girls rocking out together for Shiva's 26th!

We topped off our week of Christmas cheer with a visit from my brothers, John & Richard, and nephews, Caleb & William, on Sunday night. We had another big family dinner - with siblings, grandparents, cousins, the whole crew! I also lost (badly) to the 6 and 7 year olds in Wii.

Our first Whittaker family Christmas was so full of holiday happiness... We are blessed by such wonderful family & friends! Most of all, it was perfect to spend it as husband & wife!

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