
Friday, July 30, 2010

Nice & Green

For breakfast this morning, we had his & hers Green Monsters!  We had some spinach and a few bananas that, at the end of the week, really needed to be used.  So I decided to try these out... The verdict?  Delicious!

Definitely adding to the weekly rounds after this... I never quite believed it when people said you couldn't taste the spinach, but it is so true.  I pretty much used Angela's basic recipe, with a few modifications.

His:  2 cups organic spinach, 1.5 bananas, 1 scoop protein powder (chocolate), 1 cup skim milk, few ice cubes
Hers:  2 cups organic spinach, 1 banana, little skim milk, little 0% greek yogurt, few ice cubes

Plus it was fun to wake up a little earlier than usual, and enjoy breakfast with the hubs on Friday!


  1. Yay for green monsters! They are delicious and you totally can't taste the spinach. Lucky you got Jeff to drink one. Brandon will NOT get on board with them even though he's tasted it and admitted that you can't taste the spinach.

    I'm going to send him this and say, "see Jeff drinks green monsters..." :)

    Happy Friday!

  2. Hah I love Jen's comment...go Jeffrey!

    And GOOO Frath for venturing out! P.S. There is an antique show next weekend...wanna go ;)
