
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Let's Hear It...

for Newww Yooork!  Yes, I realize that I am a terrible blogger and should have posted my New York trip recaps last week... But this is the way it goes sometimes!  I'll make up for lateness with enthusiasm.

Day 1:  We arrived to JFK airport after what I would call one of the most relaxing flights I've ever been on (and that says a lot with my major fear of flying).  Jeff shared a cab from the airport with the girls, then headed to his college roommate's NYC apartment for a guys weekend. 

We checked into our amazing hotel, the Thompson LES, and kicked off the celebration with some champagne!  And, of course, exploration of the room...

Yes, I was incredibly amused by the no-door nob, just hole in the frosted glass, in the bathroom...

First up was a stop at Spring Street Natural for lunch... Delicious!  Then we spent the day walking, walking, walking... And I loved it!  I think I could spend weeks just walking around the city and taking in all of the people, buildings... and of course, the shopping.

I am still not really familiar with exactly where we walked, but I think we hit most of the Lower East Side (and tons of amazing vintage shops, like Screaming Mimi's) and the higher-end shops in SoHo... Then a stop at Washington Square Park for people watching and reminicing about when Sally dropped off Harry ('that's too bad, because you're the only person I knew in New York'... no one else obsessed with the 80's flick?  okay, moving on...)

We had late dinner reservations at Son Cubano, and I could not recommend it more!  The atmosphere was perfect for a fun night out, complete with a live band for salsa dancing... and the service was outstanding!  The place was packed, so our table wasn't quite ready yet, and the manager bought our round of drinks while we waited.  Then we got to the food... amazing!  I had the mango salmon, and Amy called the arroz con pollo the best rice she's ever had.

Day 2:  We woke up early (my husband, the ultimate early bird, would be so proud) on Saturday morning... and hit the gym!  Our hotel had a pretty nice, although very small, gym... but it was a great way to start another day of indulgence!

The first order of business was shopping (hmm, notice a pattern?)  We hit the jackpot with the Young Designer's Market... The cutest little flea market on Saturdays & Sundays on the Lower East Side for independent jewelry, handbag, and clothing designers... as well as people selling vintage items.

One of my weekend highlights was finding a locket at one of the jewelry stands engraved with a 'W' on the front.  Sarah asked the woman about it, and she said that it was a vintage find (I think she said from the 1940's)... Then I flipped it over, and it was engraved with 'HW' on the back!  Despite feeling like it was meant to be, I walked (the seller wouldn't budge on the price).

We all left with tons of other goodies... And as we walked away, Sarah commented, 'too bad that you didn't get that locket Catherine'... 'because I got it for you!'  Yay!!  The surprise brought New York street tears & hugs!  It was so thoughtful and sweet of her... and I wore it for the remainder of our trip!

The afternoon included my first New York subway ride and a picnic lunch in Central Park.

Who brought the hand sanitizer?!

Saturday ended with another great dinner... This time at Sushi Samba with Sarah's college roommates (now NYC residents).

The rest of the evening has been omitted to protect the bachelorette innocent... but it ended like this...

Lot of love to our bachelorette! 
Whew! What a recap so far... Look forward to the rest of our trip in posts to follow!


  1. It looks like you girls had a great time. I have only been to NYC once (for my bachelorette) and we mostly did touristy things but did eat at Sushi Samba! I would love to go back and explore/shop like y'all did.

    And how sweet of Sarah to buy the locket for you. :)

  2. NYC was definitely a great spot for the bachelorette! Touristy things coming up in the next post :)

    Love the locket! It was my bridesmaids gift... so sweet!
