
Friday, January 8, 2010

Resolution Solution?

So roughly one week into 2010, I have already broken most of my New Year's Resolutions. I thought throwing them out into the blogosphere might help me stick to it a little better... I mean I should at least be shooting for a full month of will power, right?

1. Restart my fitness routine... Hitting the gym during my lunch break 4 times a week and once during the weekend.

* Note: I still have not joined the YMCA again, so maybe that should be the top of my list? Click here to visit the membership website... No joining fees!

{via Fit Couture}

2. Be more organized! Specifically, a) I want to be more planful of meals during the week (so that we don't eat out as much, or have to eat dinner at 8:00 pm after I get off work, run to the grocery, and cook... never works)

b) focus more on school work... devoting more weekend hours to studying and paper writing, so that I'm not starting a 15 page research paper two days before it is due (not that I speak from experience or anything...)

{Kate Spade via Saks}

3. Let go of worry more often! Despite my usual laid back ways, I am a little bit of a worrier (can't wait to hear Jeff laugh at that statement) Seriously though, all I am doing is developing an ulcer with all my worries about friends, family, work, whether the dog is mad at me, if all the microwave popcorn I used to eat will give me cancer one day... See? The list is insanely too long (and maybe just insane?)

4. Find a creative outlet... With work and school, it is so easy to get wrapped up in the mundane. Once a month, I want to try something new and creative. I already have a few DIY decorating projects to get me started... Framing a vintage map in a series and making an ottoman for the living room. Thank you, Little Green Notebook for providing my #4)

{image via Little Green Notebook}

So, dear blog readers (all 6 of you) - Let me know when you see me slipping off the resolutions train. I'm hoping that these four will lead to a happier & healthier 2010! Plus fitting back into my old jeans and some finishing touches for the house don't hurt either...

Anyone else working on resies for the new year?


  1. I can't wait to see how your ottoman turns out, please post pictures! I'm finally finishing my headboard this week...I'll have to share the after shots with you.

  2. Catherine, you should be able to find some yellow dupioni silk online that could be made into drapes/curtains quite easily. I agree with you about that living room--it's very pretty. Santa's excited he made it into your blog. ;)

  3. There are definitely more than 6 people! Let me know when you get the fabric for your curtains, you can borrow David's sewing, really, that's what his Mom gave him for Christmas;) I love it when I can say things like that!
