
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NYC, Part 2

Get ready for a marathon post on the second half of our New York trip... Check out part one, if you want to catch up on the first half.

Sunday morning was brunch with the girls at Spitzer's Corner, then I headed out to meet Jeff at his college roommate, Paul's NYC apartment.  Adding to the millions of other reasons why he is such a great husband, Jeff woke up early to stand in line at the TKTS office for discount Broadway tickets, even with just a few hours of sleep!

{girls at brunch... photo courtesy of Amy}

After checking out Paul's amazing Union Square apartment, complete with rooftop views of the Empire State building, we took a cab out to Times Square.  It was so crowded, but we had the perfect amount of time to check it out before our show started.

Jeff's early morning payed off with incredible orchestra seats at the Palace Theatre for West Side Story.  I absolutely loved it!  I can't even imagine the choreography that goes into all of the 'fight' scenes... plus it felt nice to see a classic on Broadway!  Jeff didn't enjoy it quite as much, but he was a total trooper for taking me without much complaining!

After the mid-afternoon show, we set off on a huge self-guided walking tour!  We saw Saint Patrick's Cathedral (packed for Sunday evening mass), FAO Schwarz, and One Bryant Park, along with tons of window shopping.

{Jeff outside of Saint Patricks}

And, of course, a quick ode to my New York idol (or alternate self?) Liz Lemon...

We headed back to the apartment in time to grab dinner at a great, authentic Italian restaurant just a few blocks over with Paul.  Even Jeff, who is not much on going out for pasta, loved the food!  The night ended back on the rooftop, taking in the nighttime views of the city.

{daytime apartment view}

Monday morning we were up fairly early to start on my list of city sights.  We started with the Tribute World Trade Center Visitors Center and walking around Ground Zero.

{Japanese paper cranes for peace at visitors center}

Then walked over to Battery Park to take the ferry to Ellis Island & the Statue of Liberty... Until we saw the line that had already formed before lunch!  Definitely should have made this our early morning stop.  We decided to just take in the view from the park, especially since tickets for the crown were already sold out for the day.

The rest of the morning consisted of walking through Chinatown, which ended up being my least favorite part of the city... And finally an authentic New York style pizza lunch at Sal's in Little Italy.

Our afternoon was made up of a failed trip to the Met.  It is closed on Mondays... Although we did fail at planning, I have a feeling that we would have run out of time to see everything else, if we had gone in!  Plus now it's saved for our next New York trip...

then a walk around Wall Street and the NY Stock Exchange...

the incredible New York Public Library...

{the reading room}

and heading to the top of 30 Rockefeller Center (which we were told by multiple locals was the best view of the City)...

Tuesday morning came quickly, after dinner at Wildwood and a few drinks with Paul.  Our flight was late-afternoon, so we took advantage of the morning to squeeze in a few more activities.

Including strolling through NYU's campus (and of course, asking Jeff if he thought I could go there for my Ph.D)

and lunch at the famous Katz's Delicatessen... where the 'I'll have what she's having' line in When Harry Met Sally occurred... 

We had such an incredible trip, and it was the perfect way to spend my first visit... Now I'm just trying to figure out when we can go back!

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